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We haven't written this yet... SORRY. 



 Who are the #TRASHMOB?

To put it simply, YOU are. You are one of the riders, runners and roamers that make us who we are (OK maybe not yet... but thats why you're here right?!). The #TRASHMOB are what makes us tick; you are our WHY.


With the help of our regional A-TEAMers, we exist to empower, engage and enable people like you to help us achieve our mission: To connect people with nature through the simple yet meaningful act of removing single use pollution. 

 But how?!

We hear you cry, eagerly wanting to get your hands dirty, clean up those nasties from the places you love, and share your experiences with everyone you know.... Well it's actually pretty easy. The #JOINTHETRASHMOB Routemap is a beautifully designed visual demonstration of all the ways you can get involved with what we're up to in 2023. It should give you some ideas, but always remember that you've already got everything you need to protect what you love; in your heart, and in your soul. We're just here to help, if you need it. 

Next time you're out on your ride, run or roam, grab that can or wrapper that you might have walked past last time. Take note, if you like, and add your findings to the SoOT report. t's how we're building an evidence base to achieve our mission. 



So. You've grabbed some SUP from your local and you've added your findings to the SoOT report. BUT: it's infectious, it's addictive, and you just cannot stop thinking about what else you can do to help protect our trails, and the wild places they take us to???

Check out our DIO Toolkit. Tiered for every eventuality, whether it's just you, you and your nearest and dearest, a bigger group, or even a massive event, we've got you covered when it comes to trail cleaning at every level. From risk assessments to letters of intent and checklists, everything you need is right here. 

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