At Trash Free Trails, we strongly believe that, now more than ever, we have a responsibility to provide people with ways to stay connected with each other and with nature. Over the coming weeks, it will also be vital that we all find ways to feel purposeful over this worrisome period — to feel like we have achieved something significant. As we have seen so many times, the simple action of removing a handful of plastic pollution from the places we love can be an incredibly powerful and symbolic act.
So we're NOT going to cancel or postpone the Spring Trail Clean Tour. NOPE, we're just going to change things up a little. We’ve decided to overhaul our recently announced Spring Trail Clean Tour, and call for some 'DIY - selfLESS isolation'!
WE were really hoping that up to 1000 people would join us in giant, glorious groups of trail loving trash hunters, but that's going to have to wait a while.
BUT just as we were settling in for a little sulk we realised that we don't have to be together to work TOGETHER to #protectwhatwelove.
IDEA! We're going to hijack the #selflisolation & #socialdistancing hashtags of doom for GOOD by asking thousands of you to do your own #selfLESSisolation #DIYtraillean whenever you are able to escape into our wild and beautiful places.
SHOUT! Now this is the key. Every individual positive action makes a difference. BUT, when we share and CONNECT these incredible individual actions, something truly awesome happens. So, please shout it from the HILLTOPS! Use social media to CONNECT our dots and create a giant, noisy network of action!
ARE YOU IN? Ace! Here are our #s and handles to get you started;
HASHTAGS - #selfLESSisolation #DIYtrailclean #springtrailclean #trasfreetrails
HANDLES - @trashfreetrails @trekbikes_uk @hopetech @stanceeurope @britishcycling @pedalmtbltd @shift_active_media @rideguard @outdoorprovisions @bikepark_wales @beeinthebig
As outdoor sports people we know you'll all have been thinking the same as us; "will we still be able to ride, run and roam our trails and wild places?". The answer for now is "YES" but it's totally up to us not to muff it up;
Only ride, run or roam from your front door.
Only head out with people who are currently in your household.
Stay well, well, well within your capabilities (and fitness levels).
The Corona Virus Covid 19 stays alive for up to 72 hours on plastic and cans. So, ALWAYS wait for a minimum of 4 days until picking up litter that you spot.
DO NOT pick up anything sharp or potentially harmful, it's not worth the risk right now!
We'll be keeping a super close eye on this and will be updating our community constantly to make sure we all remain responsible with our actions. If in any doubt head to https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-list-of-guidance for official up to date guidance.
Whilst we're concerned about what the coming months hold for us, our families and friends we have never believed more in what we stand for and the incredible community that has begun to form around our call to arms.
We’d also like to thank our Spring Trail Clean Tour founding partners: Trek Bicycles UK, Stance, BikePark Wales, Rideguard, Hope Technology, British Cycling, Pedal MTB, SHIFT Active Media and Outdoor Provisions, for their continued support.
Trash Free Trails is a community movement, powered by people like YOU! So drop Dom, Ben and the A-TEAM a line and get started with some 'selfLESS isolation' today!