Submit Your Trash Data
Have you removed trash from your trails? Complete this 8-question Trash Survey to share vital data about what you found.
All questions are optional - the more information you share the better our data on single-use pollution. Thank you!
What type of trail did you clean?

How much trash did you remove?
The sizes below are intended as a guide to help us understand the quantity of rubbish you have removed. Please select whichever option most closely aligns with the amount you have removed.

What types of trash did you remove?
Select as many as are relevant to what you have removed!

Did you find any signs of animal interactions?

Chew Marks

Did you feel more connected to nature after your trail clean?

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Thank you for submitting a Trash Survey!
Every morsel of data helps to protect our wild places for the future
Enjoyed that survey and want to do more?
If that quick form wasn't enough to get your surveying fix then why not try our more detailed approach to our Data Collection!
Trash Counts serve the purpose of filling our knowledge gap on the distribution and prevalence of Single-Use Pollution present in our recreational trails. It's about how much is out there and where it's occurring.
Trash Surveys aim to take a detailed snapshot of the Single-Use Pollution you have removed from your trails. It's what you do at the end of a trail clean, when you categorise and count everything that's been removed.

Want to learn more about where your data goes?
Do you have a question about our research?
Email PJ on pj@trashfreetrails.org