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These Are My Trails

Where are your trails? Think of a place that’s special to you, that you can dream of cycling, running or walking through. Can you picture where you are? What’s your favourite thing about those trails?

These Are My Trails hopes to ignite that spark within each individual coming onto the trails to take environmental action.


Inspiring people to become stewards of their local trails.

Where are our trails?

We have installed 11 custom trail signage pieces all around the UK to be able to have Trash Free Trails presence on the path, whilst we're not there in person! Check out the map below to see if any are near you!

Like what you see?

We have carefully designed these trail signs using nudge theory behaviour change to have the greatest impact possible on our ecosystems. If you think these could be beneficial to your local trails then we'd love to hear from you in the form below as these are each specially made to order!

Register your interest here!

Trash Free Trails laser engrave sign brown preview.png
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