If there’s one thing we share, pretty universally with all our partners, it’s a commitment to our why. Each one is different - a variation on a theme - but it’s the sense of dedication, the clarity of vision, and the encouragement we offer each other that makes our partners partners, rather than just merely sponsors.
We’re particularly proud today to share that MAAP are joining our ecosystem as Supported By Partners on our Trail Clean programme. We connect on many things as two organisations, but our belief that cycling truly makes everything better is a cornerstone.

Whether we’re sprinting or going slow, as riders we get up close and personal with our trails often - their wellbeing is in many ways our wellbeing. Their needs are ours. When we ride our wild places reflect back at us things we need to see, lessons we can learn.
On every stroke of a pedal we’re noticing more and more, and not just about single-use pollution, but about ourselves. The question used to be ‘why is this the state of our trails?’ Our question now is ‘what can we do to help these places flourish?’.

It’s this curiosity we share with MAAP, and we’re stoked that with their support we’re able to keep asking. Eyes open, foot to pedal. Together we’re bolstering our activations in places that matter to our community, enabling more folks to protect and preserve their wild places.
Read more about MAAP’s ‘Help Wanted’ project and join them for an Autumn Trail Clean in South Norwood on November 17th!