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Doing a Trash Count


Before we get into how to do a Trash Count, let’s do some quick maths. If there’s potentially 9.2 million items of single-use pollution on the 220,000km of public rights of way in the UK, how much is there per kilometre?


It works out as an average of 42 items per kilometre. But hang on a second! Even just by stopping to notice the single-use pollution on your trails, its plain to see that there are some places where there’s loads of SUP, and other’s where there’s very little.


This is where a Trash Count comes in!


What does this look like?

Trash Counts are what they say on the tin. You go out and count the single-use pollution you encounter on, or within 3 meters of either side of the trail. What we’re looking at here is:

  • The amount on average over a certain distance

  • Where ‘hotspots’ of single-use pollution occur


This tells us more about how much is out there, and how it’s distributed along

a trail. Download the document and follow the steps to do your own Trash Count!

Lots of people ask us ‘why wouldn’t you remove the single-use pollution you count’, and truly there’s nothing stopping you! The reason we don’t include it is because it makes a Trash Count a fast, simple and quick citizen science contribution. Plus you can always go back to remove it later!

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video 3 steps 1-4 combined_edited.png
video 3 steps 1-4 combined_edited.png
video 3 steps 1-4 combined_edited.png

What's Next?

Other than access to a local wild place, you'll need a phone with internet access to complete the research. To get started, simply head to the next session!

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